Disadvantages of Computers in the Classroom


To start, the enormous top fact that has to be said is that the PC is a device. All instructional tools, from books to crayons, could be used to decorate the curriculum and sell gaining knowledge, but they could also be misused and abused. This essay will discuss the risks of getting computers in the classrooms because of the misuse and abuse of this tool.

I observed it challenging to discover studies that have been finished in this subject matter. The studies on the effectiveness of computers inside the classroom are scarce; however, the studies there are often completed with software groups and therefore can be biased. (Emmans 2001). Even though there may be no uncomplicated solution to the query of a computer being a friend or foe within the schoolroom, having an unsolvable question of right or bad brings many troubles to mild.

For instance, the fact that much of the software programs designed for children are attractive to them. If nothing else, it at the least holds the kid’s attention. Though this could seem like a high-quality characteristic, don’t forget this, simply due to the fact a television display has your attention, does it always train you? The answer to this is easy, maybe a few do, but truely not all do, by and large, they’re surely enjoyable. This reasons me to elevate an eyebrow at some, no longer all, software. As a trainer, one must no longer use time-fillers cause a baby can watch television or play on a computer at domestic. Still, as a trainer, we must educate, and if there’s no educational cost inside the software, what desirable is it for an instructor?

On the defense for teachers, some other purpose for computer systems being a shortcoming is that once in a while, the software program is not apparent that it is non-instructional. This may be a commonplace mistake of any educator, being fooled that a product can be educational when it is merely enjoyment software dressed up in an academic costume geared toward those gullible instructors.



According to Cindy C. Emmans (2001), a professor of Educational Technology at Central Washington University, on software program inside the classroom. ” Often comments are vital to getting to know, and computers are attractive because this feedback can be immediate, that is of direction an effective mastering device.

Unfortunately, these comments aren’t regularly as effective as they might be, possibly as it isn’t easy to go back to the unique query to try again. The pupil needs to begin to review the authentic content alternatively then back up a step or. In a few cases, the feedback for the incorrect solutions is more appealing than that for the proper answer, causing college students to try to get the wrong answer genuinely for the leisure cost”.

Gerald W. Bracey sums it up accurately in a magazine article referred to as Principal with the aid of basically saying that the bells and whistles are all there. Still, the education is not because it turned into not produced using a person who knows how youngsters study. (1996, p.6).

More arguments inside the studies area persisted in September of 2000, the Alliance for Childhood published an announcement towards the use of computer systems in schools. More than eighty-five professionals in diverse fields, including psychiatry, schooling, and philosophy, signed the statement wherein calls for a suspension on the selling creation of computer systems of the kingdom’s elementary faculties until there’s an extra careful assessment of their effect (Hafner, 2000).

Another effect in opposition to computers in school rooms is that of Jane Healy, an educational psychologist and the author of “Failure to Connect,” a book criticizing educational programs of computer systems. Thomas Crampton interviewed Mrs. Healy, and she declared that computers “can hurt kid’s abilities, work behavior concentration, motivation, (and) the development of social skills” (IHT, October 2000, p. 19).

Another reason computers in the classroom could be a downside is the supply of computers inside the schoolroom to every scholar. It is rare to discover a school that, at each school, has a computer supplied for every scholar. This then brings up the hassle of scheduling and rotating the scholars to the computer systems available.

(Tiene 2001) This begins a whole new ball game in which you are now eating a lot of time, which will be used for extra efficient measures rather than scheduling laptop time for each student. If that is the case, and handiest a particular quantity of students may be at the laptop at one time, then you are dividing your schoolroom and not integrating it, as it should be. This causes many difficulties in teaching a whole group training, which ends up in issues in talent improvement, given that the attention of a few students is lacking. (Tiene 2001).

On the Colorado kingdom education net website online (2003), I changed into finding questions asked to teachers concerning computer systems in their lecture rooms. The instructors were asked, “What do you discover unattractive approximately coaching in a computer-primarily based study room?” The one instructor commented that ” Students tend to are available a print out their papers at the beginning of sophistication in preference to entering magnificence with a hard copy.

” Another teacher stated, ” Technological issue, your whole lesson will be shot for the day if the PC would move down”. When the teachers have been requested approximately the problems they confronted themselves, and with the scholars due to computer systems in the schoolroom, they spoke back, ” It is hard to get the scholars interest when they’re on the computer systems.”

Another instructor commented, ” There are times that I send them to work and rather they’re interacting with each other.” Another trainer stated her worry about the laptop lecture room by saying that, ” Students are at their displays, they’re of their own little global, and they’re now not talking to their classmates, now and then I think that they do not even realize half the names of all the human beings of their elegance.” (Barnes 2003)

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Wendell E. Carter
Twitter fanatic. Extreme analyst. Typical gamer. Proud bacon fan. Tv aficionado. Introvert. Entrepreneur. Spent 2001-2005 getting to know dolls in the aftermarket. Spent the better part of the 90's getting to know terrorism for fun and profit. Enthusiastic about lecturing about bacon in the government sector. Spent the better part of the 90's selling toy planes on the black market. Enthusiastic about marketing pogo sticks in Bethesda, MD. Spent 2001-2005 licensing the elderly for fun and profit.