How To Add RSS Feed From WordPress to Blogger


How To Add RSS Feed From WordPress to Blogger. You will learn how to set up an RSS feed in WordPress and then export the feed to Blogger. You can also ensure it displays the same meal in Blogger and WordPress. This is a very easy and quick way to share your blog posts with readers. If you’re not using RSS feeds for your WordPress blog.


There are two reasons why you should start using them today. First, your visitors will be likelier to read and share your content. Second, when you integrate Google Reader, you’ll discover that your blog has grown in a way you never imagined.

Blog intro: Many WordPress users don’t know their blog can automatically send out RSS feeds for their latest posts. But why would you want to do that? Many visitors use RSS readers, such as Google Reader, a free service that lets you subscribe to blogs and share their content with others. We’ll show you how to add RSS feeds to your WordPress blog so your readers can stay updated with your latest content.

Add feed from wordpress

It’s easy to add RSS feeds in WordPress.

Go to the Settings tab.

Then, click on the RSS button at the top left corner.

A drop-down menu will appear. Select the option “Create an RSS Feed”.

The next screen will show you the list of all your RSS feeds.

Click on the RSS Feed you want to display on your site.

Add RSS feed from wordpress

Use them today if you’re not using RSS feeds for your WordPress blog. First, your visitors will be likelier to read and share your content. Second, when you integrate Google Reader, you’ll discover that your blog has grown in a way you never imagined.

Many WordPress users don’t know their blog can automatically send out RSS feeds for their latest posts. But why would you want to do that? Many visitors use RSS readers, such as Google Reader, a free service that lets you subscribe to blogs and share their content with others.

Add RSS feed from wordpress in Blogger

1. Log into your site

2. Click on “Settings.”

3. Click on “RSS.”

4. Select your RSS feed (your blog)

5. Click “Save Changes.”

6. Log out of your site

7. Go to your site

8. Click on “Tools.”

9. Click on “Blogger Options.”

10. Click on “Import Blog Settings.”

11. Click on “Import Blog.”

12. Enter the URL of your RSS feed

13. Click “Import Blog Settings.”

14. Click on “Import Blog.”

15. Go to “Blogs.”

Adding RSS Feeds To WordPress

When adding RSS feeds to your WordPress blog, follow the steps below.

1. Log into your WordPress dashboard.

2. Click on Appearance > Posts and Pages.

3. Find the “RSS feed” box and click “Add a new feed.”

4. In the “Enter the URL of the feed you’d like to add.” field, enter the URL of your RSS feed.

5. You’ll see an option for “Automatically insert content.” Check that box.

6. Click on “Update Options.”

7. Add a new “Feed Name” for your new RSS feed.

8. Scroll down to “Schedule this feed.” Click on the “Day and Time” drop-down menu, and select the day and time you’d like your feed to publish.

9. Click on “Save changes.”

10. Finally, scroll down to “Display this feed on the front page” and check the box next to “Show on the Front Page.”

11. Click on “Save Changes.”

Now, you’re ready to start sending out your RSS feeds. Visit any RSS reader, such as Google Reader or Feedly, to find out what your readers like and engage with.

RSS Feeds in Google Reader

Google Reader’s amazing feature will help your blog grow and spread quickly.

Google Reader makes sharing your blog with others easy, so you can easily grow it by distributing its content to many different sites and blogs. With an RSS feed, you can use Google Reader to share your blog with any location.

For example, if you’re running a blog about SEO, you can share it with other SEO-related sites such as Search Engine Journal, Search Engine Land, and Moz.

Once you’ve created an account, you’ll see a list of blogs to which you’ve subscribed. If you click on a blog’s name, you’ll be taken to a page showing all the blog posts.

Frequently Asked Questions RSS Feed

Q: What’s the difference between RSS and Atom feeds?

A: RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication, and Atom is an open standard developed by the W3C. Both are used for syndicating content.

Q: How do you add an RSS feed to your blog?

A: Go to the dashboard on your WordPress or Blogger blog. There is usually a place to add an RSS feed to your dashboard. Sometimes, you may need to add it to the admin settings.

Q: What’s the easiest way to make a WordPress blog post into an RSS feed?

A: The easiest way is to ensure that your WordPress installation is set to use XML-RPC (RSS) instead of PHP (JSON). If you already have this setup, click Settings -> Reading and click the RSS check box.

Top 3 Myths About RSS Feed

1. I have to add a special tag to my template

2. I have to change my theme’s code to make this work

3. I need to use Google Reader or other RSS readers to read my feeds


As the image above shows, the interface is the only difference between these two platforms. You can still make the same posts, but you use different tools. The main reason I prefer WordPress is that it offers more flexibility. You can easily create your themes and plugins, giving you many options for customizing your site. If you want to use WordPress for your blog, I recommend starting with our comprehensive beginner’s guide.

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Wendell E. Carter
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