Snow Queen Pothos


Snow queen pothos are incredibly easy to grow and are ideal for beginners. They do not require much fertilizer and are relatively resistant to houseplant pests. They also do well in a dark corner of your room.

Water your Snow Queen Pothos when the top half of its soil feels dry. The plant’s leaves will start to slightly droop when it needs water.

Epipremnum aureum

The Snow Queen Pothos is a beautiful variegated houseplant with large white patches of leaves and splashes of green. It is a hybrid of Epipremnum “N’Joy” and “Marble Queen” and produces heart-shaped leaves dotted with green, yellow, and white. It can be grown as a hanging plant or trained up a moss pole. Its moderate growth rate makes it a great choice for beginners and busy individuals.

The plant is easy to care for and does well in various light conditions. It prefers bright indirect light but will tolerate medium and even low lighting as long as the soil stays moist. It does not require much fertilizer and can handle high humidity levels. However, it is important to avoid high temperatures and dryness. If you notice any problems with your Pothos, be sure to address them right away.

This plant is also quite easy to propagate. You can use a sharp knife or scissors to cut a healthy stem with at least four leaf nodes. Then, please place it in a small glass of water. Ensure the bottom nodes are submerged, but the leaves are above the water. After 20 days, you should notice tiny roots growing from the nodes. You can then transplant the cutting into a pot of moist soil.

Snow Queen is not prone to many common indoor plant diseases and pests, but it can still be affected by mealybugs or thrips. You can treat these infestations with horticultural oil or neem spray. To prevent root rot, it is also recommended to use a well-draining container for the plant.


Pothos are generally easy to care for and can be a great choice for beginner gardeners. They are relatively drought-tolerant and fast growers. However, they need plenty of bright indirect light to keep their variegation vibrant and healthy. The best way to achieve this is by placing them near a window with bright sunlight. Mistaking the plant leaves once or twice a week is also a good idea. This will help the plant retain its color and keep it moist.

If you notice the leaves of your Snow Queen turning brown or crispy, this is usually a sign that it needs more water. If this happens, place it in a humid area such as a bathroom or kitchen. This will add more nutrients to the soil and prevent further damage. However, be careful not to saturate the soil. A general rule of thumb is to water the plant when the top half of the ground feels dry.

While pothos plants are a good houseplant for beginners, they are still susceptible to diseases. In addition to using sterilized potting mix, you should always wash your hands after touching the leaves or handling the soil. This will help you avoid spreading any disease from your home to your pothos plant.

Another tip is to fertilize your snow queen pothos once or twice a month with a diluted seaweed or kelp liquid. This will give your Pothos an extra boost of minerals and potassium, encouraging vigor and vigorous growth. You can also use worm castings, which are an excellent source of organic matter and provide a slow-release soil fertility source.

Light requirements

Snow queen pothos are light-loving plants that thrive in bright, indirect sunlight. They do best in a location that receives at least 8 hours of daylight daily, with the addition of LED lights for the remaining hours. They also need a little extra humidity to prevent the super white parts of their leaves from browning, although they do well in most household humidity levels.

They are easy to propagate and grow very quickly from cuttings, but they require good care. Like other Epipremnum aureum varieties, they can be multiplied by removing one or two nodes from the stem with attached leaves and submerging them in water. This method has a high success rate and is a quick way to start your plant.

This plant is a great choice for those who want to decorate with greenery, as it can help purify the air and add visual interest. It can grow up to 12 inches, and the white variegation on its leaves can create a stunning contrast with other tropical plants. It is a great choice for those with allergies, as it does not emit strong scents.

If your Snow Queen pothos develops yellow leaves, it may be a sign that it needs to be repotted. This is a fairly common problem, and various things, including overwatering, lack of sunlight, and root rot, can cause it. To avoid this, you should carefully evaluate the plant’s living conditions to determine what’s causing it to turn yellow.

Like other tropical plants, Snow Queen pothos needs rich, well-draining potting soil. You can buy a soil mix designed for indoor plants or create your own by adding perlite and other ingredients. This plant also requires a steady moisture supply and can be misted occasionally, but it is important to remember that over-misting can lead to fungus problems.

Watering requirements

Snow queen pothos thrives in warm, humid conditions, making it an ideal houseplant. It also grows well outdoors year-round in USDA zones 10 to 11. It can handle cool temperatures, but it will benefit from extra humidity. Water your plant when the top half of the soil is dry. However, it would be best not to overwater it. Overwatering can cause root rot, and the leaves may develop a fungus. You can prevent this by using a potting mix that allows for good drainage.

Overwatering can also cause the leaves to droop and turn brown. This is a sign that the plant needs more moisture, which can be remedied by misting it. Make sure to mist it in the morning so it has time to dry before the sun sets. This will also prevent leaf spot diseases.

Repotting Snow Queen Pothos is important, especially once the roots become crowded in their current container. It is best to repot your Pothos in spring or summer, as this will help it grow faster. Use a container one size larger than the previous one and fill it with a well-draining soil mix. You can also add a small amount of kelp or seaweed to the soil, providing an abundance of trace minerals and promoting healthy microbes in the ground.

Overfertilization can also damage your Snow Queen Pothos. If your plant’s leaves have brown spots, it’s likely that you’ve overfertilized it or that the soil is too wet. In most cases, you can revive your Snow Queen Pothos by removing the damaged leaves and running lots of water through its drainage holes. It would be best to fertilize it sparingly until you see new growth.


Snow Queen pothos are one of the easiest houseplants to propagate. They root easily from stem cuttings and are readily available at garden stores and nurseries. The first step is to sanitize your tools and choose a healthy-looking shoot to cut. It should have several sets of leaves and a few nodes. After the cutting is made, it should be submerged in water. The roots will develop quickly in warm water, but adding a bit of rooting hormone powder is important to help jump-start the process.

If you want to propagate the Snow Queen pothos, ensure the cuttings are not too long. Ideally, they should be about six inches long and contain at least two nodes. Once the cuttings are in the water, you should refresh them every week and ensure that all growth points are submerged. If you want to increase the humidity, you can use a humidifier or move the plant to a room with higher moisture levels.

The Snow Queen pothos will usually thrive in warm, humid conditions. However, if it is not given the proper conditions, its leaves may begin to curl or become discolored. In addition, it may start to wilt and lose its variegation. If you notice these symptoms, you should check the plant for fungus and treat it with a commercial fungicide.

The Snow Queen pothos is a beautiful plant with dramatic white and creamy variegation. It is a great choice for a houseplant and can be grown as a trailing plant, hanging basket, or on a moss pole. The plants are easy to propagate from stem cuttings, and they can be rooted in soil or other propagation substrates such as sphagnum moss, fern fiber, or local.