Building Static WordPress Websites Fast and Easy


First, you need to locate a pleasant template that you like. There are many free WordPress template websites. It may be very smooth to find Go to Google, or any favorite seeks engine and looks for” Free WordPress Templates” or “Free WordPress Themes”.

Static WordPress website rarely wants the blog objects like calendars or files and many others. A simple solution is to navigate on your WordPress management panel to layout>widgets. You can then add or subtract the devices you need, and you may make the sidebar look exactly as you like. This way, you should not contact any code.

Now for the plugins. I advise these essential plugins.:

Add the multifunctional search engine optimization plugin.

Add the privateness policy plugin. Optional. However, I usually have privateness coverage on my sites.

Add a sitemap plugin if you need it. This is excellent for search engines like google to discover all your content material.

Add a Google Sitemap and check-in at Google. This could be very important and will assist you in doing it correctly in Google.

If you want AdSense or affiliate banners upload the advertisements manager plugin or any of the opposite WordPress plugins available. I like and use commercials manager. It is very flexible, and it can also be used to upload different sorts of banners to a page and control it through the Admin panel. With ad manager, you furthermore might need the exec php plugin. This is essential if you are going to rigid code includes into the template. I use it to add banners to the sidebar thru widgets and the text widget. If you do not know what this means, then you could forget about it.


Find the plugins at WordPress.Org or do a Google search for each of the above plugins. If I am looking for some plugin, I commonly do a Google search using “keyword,” keywords “WordPress plugin.” I always navigate to the author’s website for the present-day plugin and instructions on using the plugin.

Activate the plugins on your WordPress admin panel. They are placed within the plugins link to the right if you are the usage of WordPress 2.5. Again, I advocate which you read the instructions, which can be at the person writer plugin websites as to a way to use every WordPress plugin.

Create a page. Label it anything you want. Scroll down the page writing panel to the “multifunctional seo” place and add keywords ankeywordsption on your web page. This is similar to including the keywords ankeywordses to the meta content material inside the head part of your template.

Scroll down a few extra to comments and pings and flip off “Allow Comments” so you may not see a consumer comment box. I want my web page to appear static, so I do not need comments. If you need also un-take a look at Allow Pings. It is as much as you. I continually un-test each.

At the bottom of the web page, you will see a “web page order” place. If you want to have a positive order on your pages to your class menu, name the web page you need on a pinnacle of the menu 1, then the following web page you create 2, and so forth. You can later change the order of your pages using this selection. This is good so that maybe an income page can be on a pinnacle.

I additionally tend to apply the subcategories Parent – toddler plenty. For instance, I will make a page called “articles,” after which I upload excellent article pages as a subcategory to articles. I then add some form of introduction to the principle article web page and have the opposite articles without difficulty accessible off the primary article web page. A nice touch for me is that I like to discover a template that has a horizontal menu bar with drop-down lists. I suppose it looks exquisite. For me, everything is then neat and orderly. But this method is up to you.

In the WordPress admin panel, go to settings>reading. On pinnacle, you will see analyzing settings. Then “the front web page displays”. In the front web page presentations, take a look at the radio button “A static web page (select beneath),” after which from the front page drop-down menu, click on the page you need to use on your front page. I usually identify Welcome on that page, or I will add a keyword rickeywordify if you do not need any name to depart blank.

With just these minor adjustments, you have the start of a static internet site with WordPress. The key’s to use pages in preference to posts, add key phrases and descriptions through the “all in one search engine optimization,” and your site is a clear best static website. Remember, you may manipulate the way the sidebar appears with widgets.

Do not choose templates that make use of the WordPress tagging feature initially. Some of those templates are known as newspaper topics. They are a bit harder to do and take a bit extra to understand. Once you master the primary look, you could use department out and attempt the tagging features of WordPress.

You can add to this primary system to make your website online even extra person-pleasant. Again, the above suggestions will provide you with a simple static and excellent searching internet site.