Native American Life after Prophetstown


It was the Fall of 1811. The once brilliant colors of the prairie now began the cycle of turning into nourishment for next year’s increase and fading into the earth, ashes from ashes, dirt dust. The exceptional warriors of the numerous forests, plains, prairies across the country had come to Prophetstown to shield their lands. Their hearts, yearning for home and own family, their minds, understanding that defense right here, would possibly, protect their lands returned home.

Harrison’s troops moved closer to Prophetstown, knowing, eyes watched their every footfall. They had come from Terre Haute, the edge of a giant prairie, which reached Chicago, uninterrupted by using the wooded area. Brilliant colorations, tender green stems, now brown, most straightforward disciplined guys could persevere their resistance. Duty drove them on, one foot in the front of some other at some point of the summertime, for countless miles. They, too, longed for family and domestic. They fought for Duty, no longer the safety of their families and lands.

Tension permeates the Ohio Valley alongside the Wabash. The sounds of the United States warfare machine transferring rhythmically through the brush, as it approached within five miles of Prophetstown, then stopped. The surrounding air, still, animals poised for a quick getaway. All waiting breathes drawn for the primary shot no longer come as General Harrison rode towards the village for parlay. Tenskwatawa came out to fulfill him. After talking sometimes, Harrison, in an extraordinary flow, makes a decision no longer to assault. Instead, he bivouacs his troops across the marsh on the excessive floor.


One can make the simplest marvel what the Prophet may have stated throughout that parlay with Harrison. History tells us that the Prophet tells Harrison of no sick purpose. I attempt to reckon with that and arise blank. Harrison may want to see the village become a nonviolent river town, honestly. Harrison also knew that Tecumseh changed into collecting warriors to fight Harrison for the lands of Native human beings near Fort Wayne and at Greenville (now in Ohio)

Since Harrison had publicly said, he turned into dealing with the Prophetstown hassle as soon as and for all. What could have been the purpose of postponing? We might also in no way recognize the answer to that query. The Native people were to be informed of the Prophet’s dream the following day. The Prophet instructed his warriors that he dreamed that they had gone to Harrison’s camp inside the night and assassinated him. All of his troops fled into the woodland to break out. Their bullets might no longer penetrate the shirts of the Native warriors.

Why could they consider such foolishness?

I found out some great thoughts on why this myth might be deemed reality using the warriors. It seems that in those days, French survey teams roamed the Northern territory around Prophetstown. There is at the least as a result of the Prophet getting into touch with them. It may be very feasible that the Prophet may have found out of an upcoming astronomical event, which may have been recognizing to the one’s surveyors. An eclipse turned into to take place, and the Prophet might also indeed, used this occasion to heighten his believability among his warriors.

If that is real, there is the right cause why those warriors may have believed that bullets could not penetrate their shirts. Desperation can also be an issue as Harrison’s troop’s ways outnumbered the soldiers at Prophetstown. Nightfall got here, and the warriors organized to fulfill the dream of the Prophet. Arming themselves, they crossed the marsh with guns held excessively inside the air as they moved through the inky darkness closer to athe enemy’s camp. Spreading out across the base and making ready to attack all aspects, a sentry, who turned into snoozing, awoke. Seeing the woods filled with movement, he fired.