Backpacking Information on South Korea


– Population: forty eight.2 million (UN, 2005)
– Capital: Seoul
– Area: 99,313 sq.Km (38,345 square miles)
– Major language: Korean
– Major religions: Buddhism, Christianity
– Life expectancy: seventy-three years (men), eighty years (women) (UN)
– Monetary unit: gained

This southern 1/2 of the Korean peninsula is the world’s window to Korea, having maintained cordial diplomatic relations with a hundred and seventy nations within the international. South Korea has been constructing a tourism profile that progressively gained an international reputation with the slogan “Sparkling Korea”. Great tradition, the brand new “Korea Wave” that flooded Asia is now opening itself to a more significant global target audience should its present day, and elegant pop movie and music cultures and slicing facet generate with the world. With an excessive-tech industrialized economic system, South Korea is the home of the pinnacle digital. Vehicle manufacturers like Samsung, LG, Hyundai, and Kia rank as the 12th most powerful financial system inside the international.


South Korea lies at 37 00 127 30 E with a complete area of a hundred,032.00 km2 (38,622.57 mi2). The more significant part of South Korea’s topography is mountainous, with an ecologically sound 65% of the land area still comprised of forests and woodlands way to its afforestation applications. Only a meager 30% is arable lowlands. The maximum point of the place is Halla-san, an extinct volcano in Jeju, at 1,950 meters (6,398 toes), even as the Sea of Japan is the lowest factor at 0 meters elevation. Seoul is the notorious capital of South Korea. The vicinity currently addresses ecological worries involving air pleasant and acid rains and deforestation brought approximately by rampant industrialization.

South Korea


The weather in South Korea can be described as both humid continental climate or humid subtropical weather. Just as it is the North, South Korea reviews harshly cold winters and warm and humid summers. Summers are madly moist with the complete yr’s attention of rainfall at June through September. The average Seoul temperature in January is -2.Five°C, and is going a high of 29.5°C in August.


As of March 19, 2010, the U.S. Census Bureau’s International Data Base (IDB) estimates a populace of forty-eight,636,000 in South Korea. South Korea also appears as an ethnically homogenous populace in which 99.Nine% are Koreans, and the rest are a small Chinese minority.


North and South Korea are grounded on identical conventional cultures with heavy Chinese and Japanese influences. The differences arose from how they developed aside from their division in 1945. South Korea’s cultural endeavors are renowned and include worldwide effects as a part of their cutting-edge identity, even as North Korea, however, pursuits at undoing them.


KOREAN (Han-UK) is also the authentic language of the location, much like the Korean spoken inside the North, with dialect variations so diffused that the language is jointly intelligible. South Korea is likewise one of the most linguistically homogenous countries within the international with over forty-eight million speakers. Code-blending or overseas terms sandwiched in Korean sentences are widely frequent, and Hanja or Chinese writing characters are occasional.

South Korea’s writing machine is also much like the North’s and is named Hangul. JAPANESE is likewise broadly used inside the vicinity. ENGLISH is the proposed 2d language taught from preschool to college-level schooling. However, South Korea still wants to strengthen its English abilities through education and different English packages to improve national competitiveness.


South Korea practices multi-religiosity; however, 50% of the populace are undefined religiously, making it an atheist state because of the North. Christianity is the most dominant faith with forty-nine % of those above 1/2 who practice it, while Buddhism falls at a not-so-distant second with forty-seven %. Other minor religions are Shamanism, Confucianism, and the traditional Chondogyo (Heavenly Way).


The tourism industry of South Korea holds a lot to boast with 8 UNESCO Cultural Heritage Sites, 20 national parks, eco-parks which include the Boston Tea Field and Suncheon Bay Eco Park inSouth Jeolla, numerous towns of particular interest and function like bustling Busan or historic Gyeongju, and herbal wonders and treasures that run infinitely. The UNESCO World Heritage Sites lists as.

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Wendell E. Carter
Twitter fanatic. Extreme analyst. Typical gamer. Proud bacon fan. Tv aficionado. Introvert. Entrepreneur. Spent 2001-2005 getting to know dolls in the aftermarket. Spent the better part of the 90's getting to know terrorism for fun and profit. Enthusiastic about lecturing about bacon in the government sector. Spent the better part of the 90's selling toy planes on the black market. Enthusiastic about marketing pogo sticks in Bethesda, MD. Spent 2001-2005 licensing the elderly for fun and profit.