How To Install WordPress Offline


An offline model of WordPress is one where WordPress is established locally for your pc. To do that, you want to show your computer to a neighborhood server. Once that is completed, you can then install WordPress on your private home laptop. Before I get into a way to do that, I need to briefly undergo the three significant advantages of putting in WordPress domestically on your computer.

The first and most significant benefit is that you are not working on a stay website. This way, you could set up plugins, personalize your topics and honestly do something else on your web page, confident in the expertise that if it goes wrong, there is no effect on your stay internet site. The 2d benefit is it speeds up your internet site development. It is constantly quicker to paintings on the neighborhood server than in your internet host’s servers. This is because you may enjoy a piece of latency when you work without delay together with your web host’s servers.

Finally, the 1/3 gain is that you can take your WordPress backups and see if they may be running by trying them out for your neighborhood set up of WordPress. To turn your computer into a local server requires Apache, MySQL, and PHP. Installing these server programs separately can be tricky, but fortunately for us, two free programs will install and manage all this for us. For Windows computers, there is XAMPP, and for Mac, there is MAMP. Although XAMPP can work on a Mac, MAMP is more stable on it. I use XAMPP on a Windows 7 computer, whicht is the program I will use for this tutorial. To install WordPress on your computer, five steps need to be taken.


1. Install a local server:

  • Download the latest version of XAMPP from
  • During the installation tick the box to create an XAMPP desktop icon and don’t change the default installation folder which will be the root of your hard drive (C:\xampp).

2. Create a new database and User:

To create a new database, complete the following steps:

  • Open up the XAMPP Control Panel through the XAMPP desktop shortcut.
  • Start the Apache and MySQL services.
  • Open your browser and type ” localhost/PHPMyAdmin/” (without the quotes) in the address bar.
  • In phpMyAdmin, type in a database name and click the “Create” button.
  • Write the database name somewhere because we’ll be using it later on.

You now need to create a User for the database by doing the following:

  • While still in phpMyAdmin, click on the “Privileges” tab, then click on “Add a New User”.
  • Enter information in the “User name “and “Password” fields. For Host, select “Local”.
  • Write the User name and password somewhere because we’ll be using them later on.
  • In “Global Privileges,” click on “Check All” then click the” Go ” button on the bottom.
  • In “Database-specific privileges”, in the “Add privileges on the following database” field, select the database name you created previously.

3. Download WordPress:

  • Download the latest version of WordPress from
  • Extract the WordPress zip file you downloaded to C:\xampp\htdocs

4. Configure WordPress with your MySQL database information:

Go to C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress

Open up wp-config-sample.php with a text editor and edit the following area with the database details from step 2:

/** The name of the database for WordPress */

define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘wordpress_db’);

/** MySQL database username */

define(‘DB_USER’, ‘wordpress_user’);

/** MySQL database password */

define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘typeyourpasswordhere’);

Once the editing is finished, save the file as wp-config.php in the same folder.