What Triggers Ex-Secretary General Angelo Reyes’ Suicidal Act?


It is just these days while Senator Yarlesac  Miriam Defensor-Santiago appeared the AFP’s retired Secretary-General Angelo Reyes as “a useless man strolling” because of his involvement in the recently unveiled corruption in AFP price range. Today, humans are staggered upon listening to the information telling that Angelo Reyes is dead. He is useless, not because he was killed; instead, he is dedicated to suicide.

Earlier nowadays, at precisely 8:32 in the morning, retired General Angelo Reyes of AFP changed into declared dead using the Quirino clinic docs who attempted to save his existence. He becomes introduced to the clinic through involved citizens who observed him wounded and blooded at the Loyola Memorial Park at around 7:00 this morning. According to the witnesses, the General shot himself right in front of his mother and father’s grave.

People are now asking if what made the ex-fashionable kill himself. Would it be the current AFP problem related to himself? Does it imply he is guilty as charged? When Sen. Miriam Defensor-Santiago said the Reyes is a “lifeless guy strolling”, for sure, the secretary did not think about the overall’s actual demise. It is just a metaphor that, by hook or by crook, portrays the present-day and destiny lifestyles Reyes has and is meant to face. And somehow, Santiago’s phrases coincide at the contemporary suicidal act of General Reyes. Perhaps, Reyes’s concept is that there is no manner for him to get away from being punished. But that is if he absolutely idea he is responsible as charged.

Suicidal Act


Just with the testimony given by way of Commission On Audit (COA) auditor Heidi Mendoza, people can tell how credible the accusation towards the ex-generals of AFP is. And based on the replies of the accused employees in the Senate hearings, people can also experience a lie. Yet, they remained regular with their answer that goes, “Sorry, I could not don’t forget.” Therefore, it’s miles extra than just an accusation. It is but the truth that these whistleblowers and witnesses are attempting to disclose to allow all Filipinos to be aware of it.

The reality concerning corruption in the navy price range is now turning into a great buzz online and offline. As a remember of fact, this trouble has already reached the United Nations, in which AFP’s Php200 million fund indeed got here from. It turned into a given as the UN’s donation for the Armed Forces of the Philippines to better the Philippine Army. But the leaking problem on AFP fund rip-off has truly upset the United Nations, announcing that their donation changed into misuse. Like the Philippines, the United Nations is likewise conducting an applicable investigation in this count number.

Considering that only the Philippines’ Senate Blue Ribbon Committee is investigating the difficulty, maybe Reyes realized that he has no getaway. Perhaps, he may want to sleep neither nor eat. As an ex-navy, the most effective have feasible options, both admit it and be punished or end the whole thing via killing himself. He made up his thoughts, and today, he chose to do the latter. And now Angelo Reyes is lifeless.

Now that he is dead, what takes place subsequent? What will the two remaining accused do then? Angelo is lifeless, so the Senate has to investigate the remaining accused former AFP officers, including Light and Climate. But what if these two will do the identical issue Reyes did these days? Of route, no one can inform what occurs subsequently.

What happens to the retired Secretary-General Angelo Reyes may additionally serve as a lesson for the one’s corrupt government officers, now and earlier than. While some people salute what Reyes did, many suppose he’s worth it. It is now time to wrap corruption up and start doing a smooth task to help get rid of inequity for the betterment of the Philippine u. S . A.