Potential Treatments For Ménière’s Disease


Ménière’s disease causes vertigo, tinnitus, and gradual deafness. There is no solution, but the symptoms can be relieved with specific therapies. About 615,000 individuals in the United States had Ménière ‘s disease, according to the National Center on Deafness and Other Speech Disorders (NIDCD). It may grow at any age but occurs most commonly between the ages of 40 and 60. It affects, in most situations, only one ear. In this post, we describe Ménière ‘s disease signs, causes, and triggers, as well as natural and conventional treatments.


A variety of treatment options that can relieve Ménière’s disease symptoms are available. While there is no remedy, some symptoms may be managed with treatment.

Lifestyle changes

Ménière ‘s condition has links to stress and anxiety. It is unknown if stress and anxiety cause Ménière’s disease symptoms or if the disease is causing stress and anxiety. Either way, managing stress and anxiety can aid in reducing symptom severity. People may find that yoga, meditation, tai chi, or focus helps them to relax. Research indicates a link between smoking and tinnitus, so quitting will reduce the symptoms.

Medications for vertigo

Doctors may prescribe various forms of vertigo drugs. Options include:

  • Medications for motion sickness: These include meclizine (Antivert) and diazepam (Valium). They can help with the sense of spinning that induces vertigo and nausea, and vomiting.
  • Nausea Drugs: Prochlorperazine (Compazine) is an essential treatment for treating nausea during a vertigo episode.
  • Diuretics: These medications improve the concentration of fluids within the body. Doctors can prescribe a combination of triamterene and hydrochlorothiazide (Dyazide or Maxzide) in the case of Ménière ‘s disease.

Decreasing the amount of fluid stored by the body will increase the volume of fluid and the ear’s pressure. As a result, symptom severity and frequency will decline.

Ménière's Disease

Middle ear injections

Doctors can inject particular medicine into the middle ear to improve vertigo symptoms. There is antibiotic gentamicin (Garamycin) and hormones, such as dexamethasone (Decadron).


If other therapies do not help, or if symptoms are severe, surgery could be an option for people with Ménière ‘s disease. Operating solutions include:

  • Decompression of the Endolymphatic Sac: A surgeon removes a small amount of bone from the endolymphatic sac. This membrane within the inner ear helps regulate the pressure of water in the ear. This can lead to vertigo if it is not functioning correctly.
  • Labyrinthectomy: A surgeon gets a part of the inner ear removed.
  • Vestibular Nerve section: A surgeon slices the vestibular nerve.
  • Vestibular rehabilitation therapy: People can have problems with balance between vertigo episodes. A health care provider should advise them on exercises and activities that can help their body and brain recover the ability to maintain equilibrium. People with hearing loss may benefit from an auditory aid.